Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cloud's End

Just a short post to say that, while we've loved living at Wayfarer's, the Internet connectivity at Cloud's End is a major bonus! As of this afternoon, we're on the other side of the hills, and there is a definite culture change - we look out over the town and villages on relatively flat land, rather than farmland on rolling hills. Everyone sticks up for their own side - the Westerners think their side's the best, and the Easterners think theirs is.

But I'm off to Gloucester Cathedral now for an All Souls Requiem service with M. Duruflé. It'll be challenging getting back in time for the Brewers Arms bonfire & fireworks, but it seems that the view over the East might mean that it's better to stay home and watch a panoramic display of hundreds of fireworks all over the town.

More about last night's display at school soon.

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